Invisalign - Clear braces

What is Invisalign/clear aligners?

Aligners are thin clear flexible plastic ‘mouthguards’ which fit closely over the teeth. A series of aligners are used to move the teeth incrementally according to a treatment plan developed by the orthodontist. Aligner appliances are ideally suited to adult patients whose life-style or work commitments make it difficult for them to wear more visible conventional fixed appliances.

When can Invisalign/aligners be used?

Aligners are most commonly used in cases needing alignment of teeth without extractions. Routine aligner treatments include:

  • Mild-moderate dental irregularity
  • Crowding which can be corrected with mild-moderate expansion of the dental arch
  • Crowding which can be corrected with reductions in tooth width (Inter-proximal reduction or slenderising)
  • Mild spacing

Do I need aligners for both top and bottom teeth if I only want one straightened?

Changes in teeth crowding and spacing affect your bite, so to make sure your bite isn’t affected, our dentist likes to assess both arches and more often than not treat both arches at the same time to achieve the perfect results for your perfect smile.

How long does the treatment take?

The typical treatment length for aligners is around 5 months. The typical person will receive a series of 5 invisible aligners that need to be changed every 3 weeks or so. Some patients will receive slightly more or less aligners. This depends on the degree of teeth straightening required.

Payment Plans

We do have interest free payment plans avaliable in order to spread the cost.

In order to get urther information please visit our page for Invsalign here.


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