Root canal or implant , which one is better?- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc

Many people some times come to a point when they should choose between an option of root canal treatment or perhaps option of extraction of a tooth and later replacing the missing tooth by an implant. The question is which one is a better, more long lasting, less trouble some and cheaper option? Like many times in life there is no straight forward and easy answer to this, however, I try to out line the main differences in here.

First point that a lot patients ask me, is how long each one lost? The life span of an implant depends on many different factors but the most important factor is place in the mouth where an implant is inserted. Usually implants at upper or lower front part of a mouth last longest and implants at upper molar region last less. There are several studies that shows 85% - 95% of implants survive up to 15 years. The survival rate for root canals is also dependent on a tooth position in mouth. Front teeth as they have less number of roots are more successful than molar teeth. On average 90% of root canal treatments are successful in a 15 year period.

From a cost point of view a root canal with a restoration at the top , cost less in comparative to an extraction plus implant and a crown at the top of implant.

Time wise a root canal with restoration is completed in much shorter time compare to extraction , waiting for healing period, implant insertion, waiting for implant integration with bone and later fitting a crown at the top of implant.

As a general rule my first recommendation to our patients is a root canal. However, there are cases where performing a root canal is not a good option and considering for an implant becomes a better choice.


How long to wait following an extraction for a implant placement?- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc


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