What to do following a surgical tooth extraction?- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc

Post operative instructions following surgical tooth extraction.

In order to minimize the risk for infection, pain, swelling and to aid healing please follow the advice provided here.

Following the surgery you may have minor discomfort. However, if you feel that it is too much then contact your dental practice. Do not disturb the surgical side—this refers to playing with the area using your tongue. If you feel the need, take painkillers and refer to our advice regarding how to take them.


Smoking is prohibited following an extraction as it reduces the blood flow to the area, increases the risk for infection and delays healing.


If you have dissolvable sutures (your dentist would have informed you of this) then they should dissolve on their own within 3-4 weeks. However, sometimes if you are taking antibiotics they may not dissolve on their own. If they are bothering you go your dentist practice after around 2 weeks and the dentist will remove them for you.
If you have non-dissolvable sutures then you will need to come back in 2-3 weeks to have them removed by the dentist.


There are two types of painkillers (over the counter) that can be taken following a tooth extraction. If it is required, they can both be taken up to their maximum doses together. They can be taken together due to the fact that they are two completely different types of drugs. You must take what you would usually take for a headache and consult the leaflet, a GP or pharmacist for any interference with your current medication.


You can take up to 1600mg of ibuprofen per day. This works out to be 2 x 200mg tablets being taken 4 times a day, and this can be done for up to a week.


You can take up to 2500mg per day. This works out to be 1 x 500mg tablet 5 times a day for a week.

You must wait between 4 to 6 hours between doses on both medications. If you stagger the medication, then you may find it more effective.

You should notice a noticeable improvement after a week. If you feel that you are still in a lot of pain after a week, contact your dentist.


If you have been given antibiotics, read the following advice.

Do not stop taking the antibiotics until the end of the course or unless a professional tells you to stop. You should notify the dentist if you are allergic to any of these medications before you begin taking them.

Amoxicillin is to be taken once every eight hours.

Metronidazole is to be taken once every eight hours. Contact your dentist if you are taking warfarin regarding this drug.

Erythromycin is to be taken once every 6 hours . To reduce side effects, it is recommended to have natural, live yoghurt.


Brushing should be done as usual, but try to avoid the surgical side for the next few days. If there are sutures, please be careful not to damage the sutures.



It is recommended that for the first week following extraction, you rinse with a disinfectant mouth wash. Any antibacterial mouth wash is OK, but there are two main ones that we recommend. Do not rinse too violently as it will disturb the healing

Corsodyl is best used for 10 seconds twice a day. Do not use it for longer than one week. If used for longer than one week, it is likely to cause discoloration of the teeth.

Listerine is best used for 10 seconds twice a day.


Following a tooth extraction, patients should expect some bleeding. Expect a little bit more bleeding if you use blood thinners or if you have more complicated procedures like implants or surgical extractions.

However, you should not have excessive bleeding . If you experience excessive bleeding, then roll a tissue or gauze in the shape of a sausage and then bite on it gently for 20 minutes. If you have sutures, DO NOT do this, as it can irritate the area more. Contact your practice ASAP.


Following more extensive surgeries like implants or surgical extractions, bruising and swelling may appear. This should start to disappear within a week or 10 days. Anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen will aid a faster recovery. This bruising and swelling may last slightly longer in some patients.




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